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Controller SMS
Controller SMS

Connecting GPS receiver to RS 232 port of SMS controller you will have a complete system of tracking the mobile object (AVL).

      The device in its current version of microprogram software is intended for using of GSM terminal NOKIA 51xx (61xx) SIEMENS S25, C35, S35, M35, S45, M20T,M35, SL45.
      The availability of 5 binary inputs and 4 digital outputs allows you to use the device effectively for the alarm and alert systems. For every digital input, user with the help of the managing SMS with appropriate authorities, put the text of the message, SMS centre number, and up to 5 subscriber numbers (including e-mail), to which the text of the message, given for this digital input, will be sent in case of activating this input.   All setup are stored in the microprocessor EEPROM and is inaxessible from outside.
       If you have a GPS receiver sending to RS-232 port messages $GPRMC in NMEA format at the speed of of 4800, then  connecting the cable you have now the system of tracking of the mobile object (automobile). Power supplying of the all system, including GSM terminal and GPS receiver, is carrying out from an onboard automobile network. For the most simple system of tracking the location of the mobile object from the side of the center it is only used GSM telephone.
For receiving the information for example about the location of a truck it is enough to send an SMS message prepared beforehand with code words to this automobile. In an answer an SMS message will come in which will be given the name of the nearest occupied item and exact coordinates of the automobile. The coordinates and names of the occupied items are stored(kept) in the FLASH memory with the capacity of 1 Mbyte can be changed by a user.
       In most applications it is enough to have the name of occupied item. If it is necessary to find out more precisely the location of the automobile any GIS displaying the coordinates of the mouse cursor can be used, for example CD " The Atlas of Europe highways " from Microsoft.  Such a system allows to regulate essentially with minimal expenses the using of a vehicles at small and medium enterprises. Further, the system can be expanded by using a specialised GIS. The SMS controller has two independent RS-232 ports, one of those is used for connection to PC. With the help of managing SMS, controller connected to PC is adjusted to giving up through this port messages in NMEA format at the spied of 4800, emulating the function of GPS receiver.
Messages from GSM controller to PC:
                 $GPRMC - standard NMEA RMC message
                 $GPPHM - non-standard message:
                       VIA:  ... number SMS center
                    FROM: ... number GSM terminal
                     0,1,1,1 ..  sensor state
The managing SMS sequence, sending from remote GSM phone for programming 
SMS controller are:
To:X..DInt:D..DAct:DDDDMsg:XX..XX where: Pin:X..X - an access password, X..X - alphanumeric sequence                 up to 10 byte. Controller is supplied with  given password "012345". The user can change this access password.
Pos:DD   - programming position. 
            The first digit - number of an event
             from 0 till 5. 
Numbering of the events is the following:
            0 - data from GPS;
            1 - pressing the button at the casing of the device;
            2 - activating of binary input 1;
            3 - activating of binary input 2;
            4 - activating of binary input 3;
            5 - activating of binary input 4;
The second digit - the number of addressee of message delivery   from 0 to 4.
Via:X..D - SMS center number. It can begin from symbol '+'.
To:X..D  - delivery addressee number. It can begin from '+'.
Int:D..D   - the interval of message transmitting in seconds. 
           The range from 0 (message transmittion on demand) till 65535. Act:DDDD - An action at the event appeared. It can have a value '0' or '1',            which means the position "off" or "on" of output optocoupler            photodiods in each digit position correspondingly .Msg:X..X - alphanumeric message up to 30 byte, sent to subscriber  (Via:..To:..). Managing SMS telegramm must not have spaces excluding the field Msg:X..X. In an answer to managing sequence programming device will answer by SMS message "Programming Ok" or "Programming  Fail" to programming side.
      Let us consider the following example. Under actiwating the binary input 1 switch binary outputs 2 and 3 and with an interval 120 sec send the message "Alarm Sensor 1" to GSM terminal with the number +380677101105 through SMS centre "KievStar" +380672020000 and message "Fire Alarm" to GSM terminal with the number +380677115505 through SMS centre +4528187000.
The programming consist in sendindg the following SMS messages to GSM terminal to which the controller is connected:
Act:0110Msg:Alarm Sensor 1
      Wait for the message "Programming Ok". Send:
Act:0110Msg:Fire Alarm
Wait for the messaage "Programming Ok".
phone/fax +380572149959
fax +1 206 202 4664
  Email: info@vector.kharkov.ua 
New opportunities of the SMS controller !!!!!

Now you can send SMS message from PC. Connect SMS controller to PC and run any communication program (Telix, Hyper Terminal etc...) with parameters 4800n81 (without RTS/CTS flow control). Handshake PC with SMS controller:

Wait response:
Enter body of SMS message with <CTRL+Z>, as finishing character.
Wait response:
If you want to send SMS message "Hello, world" to abonent with number +777711113333. Connect SMS controller with GSM termital to PC. Run communication programm and enter:
> Hello, world<CTRL+Z>
List of responses:
OK - SMS message correctly sent to network;
ERROR 1 - entering time-out (see note below);
ERROR 2 - buffer owerflow (SMS body more, than 160 symbols);
ERROR 3 - syntax error;
ERROR 4 - GSM terminal not ready (not connect);
ERROR 5 - SMS center number not loaded into the SMS controller;
ERROR 6 - sending SMS error.
Time interval between two entering symbols must be less than 25 sec. Differently will arise ERROR 2. If you want to cancel input, press <ESC>.

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